How can technology be used most effectively to support and assess student learning?
Technology has made a prominent place in the classroom. There are so many resourceful technologies out there to use in order to support and enhance the learning experience of students of all learning types.
In the FNDS 6213, I have learned of so many technology tools to use in the classroom. Here are a few technologies that I believe can support and assess student learning: class wiki, white board, jing, voicethread, and so many more.
Technology in the classroom can effectively support all kinds of lessons. Here are a few examples:
1) The use of Notebook or smart board to teach a lesson. The teacher can make changes, lecture, and write notes for the class to see while the lesson objectives are being taught. The smart board allows her to interactively teach her students.
2) A class can take a quiz using a projector for all students to view and answer through PowerPoint.
3) Voicethread can allow students to record answers or responses to a question via the Internet.
4) Jing allows a teacher to pre-record a particular lesson and show the presentation in support of the lesson's standards.
Technology can be most effective when used in a consistent and relevant manner. Any technology used should be cohesive to the lesson and align with the outcomes as well curriculum framing questions of course objectives. By using technology resourcefully on a regular basis, students can become familiar and comfortable with the tools being used.